Thursday, October 01, 2009

Google Sites Advantage

The web site I run out on Google Sites seems to be doing better, at least for now [really].
Of course my site is called interfacebus, but it's under their domain string []. But so what, it's free hosting, free website .... its free. The graphic is visits/week for Google Sites, click for a larger image.

Google sites replaced their old 'Google pages' which has closed down [mostly]. I ported the pages I had stored on the Google pages server over to Google Sites, and over the last several months added a few additional pages. The new page hosting plan is much better than the old one, however I did lose page ranking when I made the transfer. Right, the new site means new pages on the web, so page ranking takes awhile. However; the few pages I just checked do have a page rank from Google, but not the home page.

Sentence removed by editor. The first site map listed is pretty large so I'm glad it's taking up server bandwidth on some other server. Better yet hosting the site map on an external server means that I have an external site that points to every one of my pages ~ that's a good thing. Plus all the original pages they host for me also have a few links to different pages on my main site.

Now Google sites has only sent over 511 visitors to over the last year which is really low. So is not making any real money from that site. However; Google sites pages have received 9,389 page views over the same period, and because you can also run ads on their hosting service, I'm still making money [off that site], but I'd bet it wouldn't pay for lunch.


Leroy said...

err, that graph goes to 9/30/09.

Leroy said...

10-22-10 I just came across this post looking for another. Google Sites is still only getting 400 visits per week, or maybe 20 more visits a day ~ a year later.

That's not good, I've added many new pages over the last year.

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