I was updating one of my pages a few days ago and I found a few entries that lack a bit of detail relating to the page they were on. So I was in the process of visiting those pages to get more detail regarding their listed products as they related to the topic I was updating, and of course checking to insure the company still produced that line of product. It's web site enhancement, site updates and quality control all with the same check; remember companies close product lines all the time..
I wasn't going to bring this up, but I don't really have any 'other' new issues to blog about.
So I'm checking out this companies web site, looking for data to enhance the listing I have for him on the page that's being up-dated. Of course we all know what's about to happen, right?
I come across a page containing data taken from my web site. Not good, but I had to read it a few times, I know it came from me but was a bit unsure how much of the data was lifted off my pages. It didn't take long after I pulled up the page the info came from, as the text was lifted verbatim, before I saw that much of a page was copied. Now I know how I write even if I don't remember what I write only because that section was written several years ago, but the give away was that although that page has been updated a number of times the section that was copied was historical, so I know it was never updated.
The companies web site only had a contact email for 'sales', while I assumed the web master garbed the data anyway, so I didn't even attempt to send an email.
Well I deleted his contact info from my site, but not for the reasons you might think. Normally Google already knows the site has copied the text, cause they track that data. That site would never show up higher then me for any search relating to that same text . I removed his contact info because I linked to that company from twelve different pages on my site.
I was passing my page rank from my site to his, or reducing my own page rank, so his site would get a higher page rank. In Google's eyes, by linking to him, my site was voting for his site indicating I approved of his site. Well I don't approve of his site, and I'm not going to degrade my site, by passing away my page rank, while linking to him.
So his home page has a Google Page Rank of three [today], but he just lost twelve external page links that had page ranks of 3 and 4. It will take Google another month or more to spider the pages that just had those links removed, so it will be mid December before it stores my page updates and then January before the SEPs [Search Engine Pages] are updated. Remember, it doesn't matter if I sent him any visitors, I was telling Google I approve of his site...... Or it could be February before he sees a reduction in rankings.
Hmm, I have a label for copyright issues, must be occurring to much........
Graphic; Evolution of the Ares I Rocket [copyright free].
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