Monday, April 05, 2010

Blogging and Feed Stats

So it's been awhile sense I spoke about the benefits of blogging, so it must be time to address the issue again.

Much of this blog deals with web master stuff, SEO techniques and web analytics. But almost any topic is fair game.

The first reason is to bring in traffic to your web site [Engineering Buses]. This particular blog brings in 2 or 3 visitors a day to the web site. Sixty five percent of that incoming traffic is from new visitors. Now that may not sound like a lot of people, but it's still new traffic from people that may not have otherwise found my web site. So in a sense a blog is like free advertising. The other blog which only relates to new page additions to the web site brings in twice the number of visitors.

The second reason, at least for me, is that I can blog about any topic. So I can cover topics I would not otherwise address. Remember each blog posting is just like a web page, so I can blog and generate a new web page about any topic which wouldn't fit or relate to the web site. There are currently 528 posting in this blog and another 212 posting in the other blog ~ 740 additional web pages.

Of course you don't even have to visit the blog, you can read it as a blog feed. The attached graphic is the blog feed stats from people reading the feed generated by feedburner. You can access the feed by clicking on the rotating Feeds banner to the left.

1 comment:

Leroy said...

Now because of the next posting regarding page loading time and page rank, I've deleted the feed burner banners I had placed on the web site, so the pages would load faster. The banners were only on maybe 6 pages that I've found so far, but there gone now.

The banners were only about 100 bytes of text but they also required an off-site DNS look-up which also takes time.

So now it may be a bit harder for new readers to figure out you can read the blog as a feed ~ but the blog feeds were not making any money anyway.

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