Sunday, November 18, 2007

Web Site Maintenance

The server for provides two statistics generators or counters; one is AWSTATS, and the other is Webalizer.

Webalizer has a chart that shows the top 30 files being downloaded - or taking up the most bandwidth. A few weeks ago I moved a jpeg off this server to another server I use [server bandwidth post], saving 700MB/month. That particular pic no longer shows up in the top 30 list, reducing the strain on my server.

Now I'm looking at some of the other files in that same chart. I optimized a few css files and few html files. The css files are relatively small, but get download regardless of the page being displayed. One html page in particular for example: AWG Wire Chart was 42,116 bytes. Now that page has been optimized down to 27,388 bytes ~ by removing non-text related spaces in the HTML code. That's a saving of 14,728 bytes per download. Not including web spiders, that page was viewed 13,211 times over the last 30 days ~ That's a reduction of 194,561,608 bytes!

The CanBus page was reduced 5k bytes for a savings of 49,385,000 bytes per month!
The DVI Bus page was reduced by 4k for a reduction of 311,520,000 bytes per month!
The USB Interface was reduced by 3k for a reduction of 229,560,000 bytes per month!
Final savings in server bandwidth = 785,026,608 bytes per months.
Add that to the jpeg moving off the server and you end up with a reduction of bytes served by 1.5GB of data.... Plus faster down loads.

I assume the extra spaces were brought in when the pages was upgraded to XHTML. Anyway, next month I should see a new group of pages in the top 30 list from the page counter.

1 comment:

Leroy said...

I found an external site using one of my gif files. They show my pic file on their page, but bring the pic in off my server.

So they did not take my picture, but they display it ~ not as bad as just taking it. But what happens is that they take up my server bandwidth each time their page is display because the gif comes in off my own server.

I deleted the gif file from my server and moved it out to my Google page Creator site and noted the new location on my own web page, so I still display the image ~ while they don't.

Sometimes I re-name the gif file and use the new name on my site, but insert a interfacebus banner in as the old gif file name. So instead of them displaying one of my pic files they display a site banner instead...

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