Thursday, August 14, 2008

There are many redirects

Was it just yesterday when I indicated I didn't need to run Xenu? What was I thinking with that comment? That program just found a number of link re-directs that indicate a company (website) has been taken over by another company. I don't worry and seldom correct redirects from links that move from '' to '' companies do that crap all the time. But, the ones I noted seemed to move from one company to another companies web site ~ I guess times are hard all over.

The report contains a number of sections, and 're-directs' is just one of those reports. I fixed the 'bad' ones and saved the others. I did not review the "bad links" section; because, mostly that just means the site is down. I did find three sites that were redirected to the server which is not good. When a site redirects to the server that is running ads it means the site is history ~ those links were removed.

Many of these sites were already linked from my site as 'rel=no follow', which means I was telling the search engines not to follow the links, or the link is not really there (to the computer) so my site does not get pinged.

I'll never understand why some companies re-direct so often, it's like they don't get the book-mark button. One company e-mailed me a few years ago; you must change the link on this page to '' [it's important]; ok; but, by the way your linked on a dozen other pages as this, and this, and this company ~ ! There is one company that always stands out over the last few years, well really two companies that always have bad links ~ I just delete them now. Why link to some one if you can't find what your looking for, or you get a 404 [page not found code].

Our incoming visits are reduced, so let's change our address so people can no longer find us. What? Yea we don't need all the sites that link to use, our page rank or any incoming links from other pages, the 'bad link we'll make us better......

Who runs these sites or their web masters? Somebody just does not get it.

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