Thursday, July 31, 2008

Web Page Usage

Last October I posted some data on the number of pages for each of the web sites I run. So 9 months later I figured I would recount and post the new data, which follows below. I don't track the information, but new graphic files are also always being added.

Notes on the Chart.
Unique Visits = Total different people per month
Visits = Total number of people including retuning visits, on a per month basis.
Pages = Number of pages viewed, normally 2 or 3 times the number of visits.
Bandwidth = server bandwidth, relative only to its self.
Click on the graphic for a larger view.

Page Data.
1519 web pages,
0093 web pages,
0389 blog pages, [this blog]
0098 blog pages, [Blog; new pages additions to]
0025 blog pages, [Blog, early version of "what's new"]
0012 web pages, Google Base [Holds a few articles, and pic files]
0002 web pages, Google Knol [Holds articles]
0075 web pages, [Orphan pages, no longer used]
0116 web pages, [wrong address pages to capture mis-spelled words]
2382 total pages residing on the internet

That's an increase of 554 web pages over the last nine months. Now keep in mind that some of these pages really don't bring in any traffic. The 166 pages that capture a mis-spelled web address really only work for a few months, as the link shows at the top of some forum. As the post with the mis-spelled address falls off the front page, less people will find it.

But the Blogs really contain more pages than shown. Blogs archive once a week, or month, or year. So every month the Blog automatically generates a new page for all pages in that month. Each year a Blog will auto generate 13 new pages; one per month, and one per year.

On the other hand, many pages have been enhanced or upgraded over the last year. It's not just about the number of pages, but how well those pages address your topic. Most new pages that get added are small and contain little data for the first few months because I know the search engine needs time to even find the new listing. So I up-load the new web address, add what data I have and get back to it when possible, knowing that I don't want to miss the search engine spider.

Chart Data
Unique visits are down over the last few months, but we my be in a recession? Visits, of course, track unique visits to some degree so the decline is expected. Again, page views track site visits, so page views should decline at least two times as fast as page views. A site visitor will not view 2 or three web pages if they never visit a site.

1 comment:

Leroy said...

8/13/08: I did say that the lower the bandwidth number the better. Bandwidth may follow visits, but are not really related.

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