Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recommend Generating pages to provide content

I've always recommended generating more pages on a site to provide more and more content, generating more visits. But maybe you need more than just pages.

My server counter truncates its report on page views after a few hundred pages, so I'll use Google Analytics here, page view data for Jan 2008.
2 pages received over 10,000 page views.
96 pages received between 1,000 to 9,999 views.
455 pages received between 100 to 999 views.
455 pages received between 20 to 99 views.
398 pages received less than 20 pages views.

While my normal advice is to produce new pages to generate more traffic or page views. The data indicates that a person could generate hundreds of new pages and still see little or no traffic. Almost 4oo pages received less than 20 page impression a month, that's a lot of work for only a few views. Granted 398 x 20 is still over 7,000 views, but that's only 200 views a day.

Normal page views for the site runs over 14,000/day. Given that it takes better than 4 months to get page rankings, from the time the page is created, and only so many pages a month can be generated; it could be several months before a new site sees any traffic at all.

Any one trying to make money may be put off by this, considering that you can only expect a few percent of the visitors to view an ad. 7000 views x 2% x ad value = not much. So if your thinking of starting a web site, do it now to get that page ranking in 5 months. But don't expect to make any money the first year.

Those new pages that are generated in month 3 will still need 5 additional months for a page ranking ~ that's 8 months after the site was created.

~ Those pages with a low page view still help to round out my site. And at only 20 views a month don't even get viewed most days......


Leroy said...

Hmm, I'm checking many of these pages with one page view over the last month ~ they look like 404 Not Found pages. I generate my own 404 page not found.

Looks like the site has about 1428 pages

WisTex said...

How your site is organized makes a big difference. On one of our sites, as an example, we have a very popular recipe section. We have designed the recipe section so that it is easy to find and search for new recipes. As a result, new content (in this case recipes) actually get a fair amount of traffic even though they are new. Some new recipes traffic actually rivals traffic for recipes that have been there for 10 years.

It does take some time for search engine traffic to appear for those new recipes, so if you are solely replying on search engine traffic, you are right that it will take a long time for the new content to start producing traffic (if it ever does).

How you site is organized make a very big difference on whether new content generated a lot of traffic or not.

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