Thursday, December 31, 2009
End of Year up-date
The what's new blog [new Engineering Pages] has 67 entries which indicate at a minimum 67 new pages were added to the web site this year. But because in many cases more than one page is mentioned there could be as many as 80 new pages this year.
Although most of the time I only make some small formatting change to a web page, it still counts as an update; there have been 366 different pages updated this month, and 464 pages updated in November. The point is that the website [interfacebus] is always being updated.
I'm still troubled by the number of pages only receiving a minimum number of page visits per year. Here are just a few;
Companies making electronic equipment.
Definition of Interference.
Industrial Board Formats.
MIL-39009 Resistor Derating.
GPIB Connector -55138 CID.
Chart: AWSTATS, Number of Visits per year for 2005 to 2009.
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: WebStats
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Interest in Personal Computer Buses
The page covering the USB interface had a reduction of 0.12%, which is nothing.
Now the PCIe page had a reduction of 17.20%, which is not good. The PCI express interface is still the fastest interface on the PC so I'm surprised to see a drop in visits that high. However it looks like much of the drop occurred in the first six months of this year, it started to make a come back after that.
The SATA interface also had a 3.23% drop from last year. Again this is a new interface which should still have some interest, so I would expect more page views.
The older Hard drive interface [IDE] also had a drop of 30.98%. The Parallel IDE interface [PATA] is obsolete so I would expect a drop in page views here, but maybe not that high. There should still be many computer users that run this older bus style. You would thing this would be the time people start looking up data on the bus as they begin to suffer hard drive problems.
Also had a 19.86% reduction in page views for the FireWire Bus. However I think I can under stand this reduction. I think I wrote something about some Apple computers not even shipping with the Firewire interface any longer. I've never even had a Firewire product.
Yet another obsolete PC bus, the RS232 interface also had a 6.48% drop from last year. I don't think I have any RS232 gear any longer, for a few years now. I still see RS232 ports on new PCs, which continues to surprise me.
Last one, for now, the PCI bus showed a 27.86% reduction in page views. I would like to say this interface is obsolete too, but I can't because there are many PC cards produced in the PCI format. Many card functions can't be purchased in the PCIe format. I think the PCI slot will be on motherboards for years to come.
So interest in topics comes and goes over time. Remember that the search engines are always re-ordering their results too. So some of these drops could be due to sliding down lower in the search results. The chart shows around a 20% increase in page-views over the last few months.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Low page views
Chassis Panel Meters. 99 page views
Chassis Terms. 88 page views
ESD Terms. 77 page views
Radar Terms. 66 page views
Compliance Testing. 55 page views
OEM Manufactures. 43 page views
iSCSI Protocol. 33 page views
2N6546 Temp Derating. 22 page views
CableCard. 10 page views
And the list could go on, many of the pages [under 10 pageviews] in my list are just mis-spelled web addresses. Of course many new pages also have a low page view. There were about 138 pages that received between 50 and 100 page views. Maybe another 200 pages that received less than 50 hits.
Pageviews so far this year 4,054,604.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Java Script Disabled in Broswer
I've been off-line much of the time for the last two days. Well half the web was working but most every thing to do with Google would not function at all. Or after restarting a web browser some Google pages would load while others would not. In fact even if a page would load, as soon as I changed pages it would freeze.
To me it appeared that much of Google was off-line, but I could close and re-open the browser and the pages would [sometimes] work, until I changed pages.
At first it looked like an issue with AVG, I had just up-graded to version 9 the week before. I also noticed that AVG had loaded a browser add-on called Safe Search which I wasn't to happy about. So I removed the add-on and things appeared to work in both Firefox and Explorer, but not in Google Chrome.
So I removed the last program that was loaded; Adobe Flash Player. Adobe was upgraded on Dec 25 which is when I started seeing the issue. I assume it was a corrupt install, because I downloaded it again and things still work.
So; Re-install Flash Player if it looks like Javascript is not functioning. Don't bother searching the web, because it appears that thousands of people have the same or similar issues. The only thing you get out of the forums is one post about a program not working and hundreds of follow-up posts of 'me too'.
Removing a Broswer add-on:
Windows Explorer help; select Tools / Internet Options / Programs / Manage add-ons / Disable AVG Safe Search.
I also disabled the add-on Bonjour from Apple.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New Page Generation and Page Views
These numbers are really low, but that could just mean the topics will not bring in any traffic. So it might seem nice to generate a new page to bring in some traffic, just don't get your hopes up.
Cable Harness, Aug 16 2009, 220 page views
Equipment Cable Runs, Aug, 11 2009, 385 page views
Equipment Rack Grounding, July 31 2009, 277 page views
Chassis Cable Retractors, May 21 2009, 145 page views
Chassis Power Modules, April 29 2009, 523 page views
Chassis Wire Selection, April 29 2009, 286 page views
EPIC Express Cards, Jan 6 2009, 72 page views.
The numbers don't look so great, maybe one or two page views a day. The EPIC card has issues with just being new on the market, if there are any products at all.
Oh, so far interfacebus has 4,017,965 page views this year [regardless of these new pages].
SEO recommendation; keep generating new pages. Even if the new pages don't generate many new page views, you still may bring in new site visitors [which may come back].
Graphic; Chassis panel mount push button.
Posted by
7:04 PM
Labels: Hardware
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
SEO Best Practices and Tips
This one is a new page generated in October, still no Pagerank and just 11 page views?
PWB Types. It has an internal link and two external links, one from the sitemap, and one from the 'Whats new blog' Definition of PWB Terms. There is little else I can do but wait either for more page views or maybe a Pagerank.
This next page is more than a year old about Operating Temperature of a 2N2906 transistor. Looks like it was just updated last month [not that I recall]. Again no page-rank but it has multiple internal links and at least one external link. The point is that you can't make people visit your page, no matter how much work you put into it. I assume the pagerank went to zero because Google knows no one ever views the page. Or the text is to similar to another page on my site.
Along the same lines, I'll also check the number of incoming External links; this related page only has 3 external links: Derating an NPN Transistor. This particular page has a ranking of one, again more than a year old. Yet one more; no page rank and only 33 page views [Derate a 2N3765].
I spent a ton of time generating these derating pages and they never generated any traffic.
So what can you do to get a page working. First I just updated two of the pages. Second, I added a new external link to the pages via this blog posting. Finally I generated a new way to find the pages via the text on this page, or via the graphic I attached here. Oh you may have missed it but I also linked to an internal page of the other blog, that way those pages just don't go to a zero page rank after a few months.
The other thing I wanted to mention was that by adding an external link to a page and increasing the pagerank of that page, any page it may link to also sees an increase in pagerank. This last page already has a page rank of two, but only two incoming links. Quick Connect Resistor, now it has 3 links and is associated with the term "Quick Connect". In fact each of these links now associate the page(s) with a new term.
Graphic; Chip resistor, Thermistor, Derating Curve.
Posted by
5:51 PM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Why do I need an XML Sitemap
Any way the XML site map differs from the html sitemap I generated yesterday; the HTML file is for people, while the XML file is for the search engines.
Just like last year I used GSiteCrawer. The program had crashed several months ago and I finally got around to taking a look at it, turns out I just downloaded it again to get it to work.
So the point is why do I need this file? The thing is the file size is 291k bytes and just burns up bandwidth off my server.
As indicated in the 'New Engineering Pages' blog a new page covering Feed-Through Capacitors was added [to] at 7 PM last night. When I check at 5 AM today, the page had already been indexed by Google. In fact doing a search for that term returns my page at 49 out of 473,000 results. err, I didn't need a site-map to get a new page indexed hours after I wrote it ....
Whatever; Google indicates that 1,607 URLs were submitted [via the XML file] of which 1,481 URLs [pages] are indexed in their results. Now this differs a bit from the copy it replaced which showed 1,859 pages submitted and 1,328 pages indexed ? My computer also indicate more than 1,600 pages.
Anyhow this week I generated a new human readable sitemap and a new machine readable sitemap ~ that's a good thing.
I don't get it, but I would recommend you generate an XML sitemap for your site [if it's a tad large], many of the generators are free to use or download. You don't even have to tell Google, just add a bit of text to your robots.txt file which all the search engines read. My robots text file is blank right now, but only because I didn't want the other search engines downloading a year old file. But the command is: ~ a line of text showing the location of the xml file.
I need a few lines of SEO link building:
2N2904 Derating Curve. Transistor
2N2906 Derating Curve. Transistor
2N6760 Derating Curve. Feild Effect Transistor
The graphic above is a test circuit for testing saturated switching time of a transistor.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Site Map
Of course I was doing other things as well; I added a few words to the Knol on Solid State Drives.
RF Component vendors.
RF Power Divider vendors.
RF Phase Shifters, and so on just to name a few.
Google was telling me that the Phase Shifter page had a short meta description, so I updated a few RF pages.
Graphic; Google Analytics / Map Overlay / Continent view.
Oh the map shows visits, but there have been 3,950,080 page-views so far this year.
Posted by
7:01 PM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Copyright Issues yet again
With all the computers Google uses they already know [I would assume] when a page has been copied. I've never seen a 'copied' page appear above mine in the Search Engine Pages [SEPs]. So in some way it really doesn't benefit a person coping the data, because you will always appear lower down the page. But I guess, if you have nothing to say [or write] than a copied page bets out a blank page.Anyway I have a few pages that need a bit of help;
Battery Control ICs.
Voltage Controlled Regulator ICs.
Charge Pump ICs.
The chart [Web Statistics] was first posted November 8th and 2009 PageViews were looking a tad low. Now this year is only lagging by 4000 pageviews from 2007 ~ with 15 days to go. So this year will be the highest year ever. I estimate over a 100,000 yet to hit the site. Oh, the site receives much more than 4000 pageviews a day.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Labels: Copyright
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Google Knol
Looks like about 2,012 visits from 102 countries over the last 3 months. Unfortunately I only added a counter just about 3 months a go. However Knol indicates about 20,922 page views so far, after about a year and a half. The important metric to me is the number of people that get sent over to interfacebus; only 738 people this year.
The knol with the largest pageviews relates to computer buses [IEEE1284 to name just one]. The second highest visited page covers the RS232 bus, while the third page covers the SD Card. The most recent page under development covers Temperature Derating.
Any of the Knols can be reached from this page; Computer Buses. Which by the way showed up one listing above a link from
Graphic' Knol page-views for the last thirty days.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Monday, December 07, 2009
How to get more external page links
A page with low external pages linking in will receive a low page rank, and so will receive a lower amount of visits. So this is a list of a few pages with only one external page link, and that also has a page rank of zero [in most cases]. In most if not all cases the only external link pointing to the site would be the sitemap for this website.
Definition of Antenna Terms. ['P']
Definition of Radar Terms.
Engineering Acronyms. [He]
Dictionary of Terms.
Capacitor Terms.
VXI Board Manufacturers.
Data Highway.
And on and on it goes. I'm not sure why so many pages now have only one external link. I'll need to keep watching this issue.
So by listing a few of these pages here, they receive another incoming external link. Maybe some day they may even also receive a page rank. Of course if they do get a page rank than they may pass some of that page rank to another page that they point to.
The graphic is Visits from Denmark, so far this year [because of the Global Warming meeting].
Posted by
2:56 PM
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Comparing Pageviews
140,000 to 149,999: 1 page
110,000 to 139,999: 0 page
100,000 to 109,000: 1 page
90,000 to 99,999: 0 pages
80,000 to 89,999: 1 page
70,000 to 79,999: 0 pages
60,000 to 69,999: 1 page
50,000 to 59,999: 0 pages
40,000 to 49,999: 4 pages
30,000 to 39,999: 3 pages
20,000 to 29,999: 14 pages
10,000 to 19,999: 59 pages
1,000 to 9,999: 509 pages
100 to 999: 849 pages
1 to 99: 400 pages [estimate]
I don't see any thing that pops off the page. The increase in pageviews below 100 increased, but that would be due to new page additions. I don't recall adding 50 new pages, but that is the only section that is hard to count [so it's an estimate].
Still 350 pages that only received less than 100 hits for a year is a lot; more than 50 will top the 100 mark by the end of the year. Another 50 or so of the new pages should top 100 by next year end, so that still leaves 300 pages that will never see more than 100 page views a year?
Sections that come to mind; [that will never see more than 100 hits]
Index of Manufacturers [this particular page received 49 page views]. Number of effected pages; 30+
FET Derating Curve [this particular page received 46 page views]. Number of effected pages;15+
Interface Buses Index [this particular page received 46 page views]. Number of effected pages;12
MIL-STD-100 [this particular page received 45 page views]. Number of effected pages;7
Transistor Derating Curves [this particular page received 31 page views]. Number of effected pages;20+
So that was another 100 or so, maybe another 100 that are single page additions ~ which leaves 100 pages unaccounted for. So no matter what I do some number of pages will never see any hits, but I don't know that when I generate them.
Posted by
10:44 PM
Saturday, December 05, 2009
URL Appraisal Results for
Their appraisal indicated a Site Worth of $51,049.40 [calculated to the penny?]
Domain Created Date: 2000-10-04
Domain Age: 9 Years, 64 Days
Google PageRank: 5
Overall Site Ranking: 122,669
Unique Monthly Visitor Estimate: 13,923
Alexa Ranking: 161,376
Google Inlinks: 0 [looks like it returned zero results]
Google Pages: 1,850
Yahoo Inlinks: 9,992
Yahoo Pages: 2,180
.... Top Level Domain: GREAT
.... Undesirable Characters: GREAT (0 Total)
.... Overall Length: OK (12 Length)
The Alexa data looked lower then normal [lower is better] so I went out and checked them too. The pic file is Daily Reach; the lower the number the better. The other number provided by Alexa is Traffic Rank, also the lower the better. Traffic Rank was the number given above by the other site.
7 Day 133,441 [-19,546]
1 Month 133,698 [-61,749]
3 Month 159,448 [-34,218]
Oh that appraisal value is only for the web name, not the money it could earn.
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: Search Engine, SEO
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Increasing Web Visits
The numbers for this month are already around 9,700 or four to five hundred visits higher than the highest day last month.
Here's a new way to look at the numbers, to compare month to month over the last few years. Over the last few months the number of visits have been increasing. Like any other posting I can't really tell what pages are seeing an increase, only because there's just to many different pages.
Posted by
2:01 PM