Saturday, July 04, 2009

Why do Web Stat Counters Differ

So I was looking at the Manufacturers listing section again, just to see how that section was doing. Looks like there are 95 individual pages that make up the manufacturers section. There are 10 pages that make up the listing of companies that start with the letter 'A', as an example.

The graphic shows two examples of counters that might track incoming visitors, both counters represent page views.

The top counter is from Google Adsense and the bottom counts represents page views from Google Analytics. Both counters require JAVA Script to be enabled in the browser.

But why are the counters so different, there both from Google? The Adsense counter seems to be counting at a higher rate than the Analytics counter. Note the scales differ between each counter.
Click the graphic for a larger image.

Pages with the least amount of visitors;
Component Vendors, 'Us'.
IC Vendors, 'Ap'.
Equipment Manufacturers, 'Go'.
IC Manufacturers, 'Gen'.
These are the bottom 4, but it could be these page were only generated last year and may not be as old as some of the other pages.....

1 comment:

Leroy said...

7/8/09 Ya know, maybe I do know why the counters could be different. The top counter is Google Adsense, which means it's tracking Adsense code with the Channel code of 'Manufacturers'. If I had copied that adsense code to some other page with out noticing it than that counter could be counting more pages than reside in the Manufacturers section. Putting the channel code for manufacturers on one of the 'design' channels for example..

I'll never be able to find that mistake, I would have to be looking for it ~ over 1000 pages..

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