Friday, January 11, 2008

Optimizing Page Code

Following yesterdays blog about reducing monthly bandwidth by 259M Bytes by implementing the new adsense code, I've added the new code to yet another 9 pages. These would be the next nine best performing pages after the first four or so listed yesterday. The pages include: PCIe, Wire Color Codes, IDE description, SATA description, PCI Bus, Voltage Thresholds, Interface Buses, and Firewire.

There was one other page that was updated based on how it was placing, but because it was an old page address I do not list it here.

Although these pages do get less pages views then the previous 4 that were updated, when combined they get many more. So I expect better than a 259M Byte reduction per month in bandwidth. The addition of the two up-dates should produce a reduction in server bandwidth of better than 600MB/ month. Normal Bandwidth per day is around 460 MB, so the monthly bandwidth was reduced by more than one day.

This is yesterdays blog page;

1 comment:

Leroy said...

I checked two example pages and it appears that Bandwidth/page views has been reduced from 61k to 55k bytes, so it has gone down. However at the same time I've reduce ad code I'm adding the Google search bar to all the pages on the site. So I may never see a reduction in bandwidth;

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