Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pageviews still on the Increase

With the up-coming holiday I assumed that interfacebus would start seeing a decrease in site visits. However that has yet to occur, at least that I can tell. Yesterday was the second highest Tuesday on record, with 9,221 visits. Of course I'll see a decrease the day of the holiday, but because the web is world wide the decrease won't be total. In the early hours eastern Europe will be showing up, followed by South America and Canada, and then Western Europe ~ or something like that. As the chart shows the site just past 2 million visits to date for the year.

All the bad links were fixed from the site-wide check the other day, nothing but routine updates occurring now. There is a slow html enhancement being made to the Dictionary and Acronyms pages, but that will go on for weeks. In a few cases the page might visibly change but not by much.

I did notice that the main Transistor Derating page lost its page rank, not really sure what happened there. A few of those pages were also just updated [2N3441], but they still get almost no incoming visits. Guess everyone already knows how to derate a transistor, or I pick transistors nobody uses.

Graphic; Google Analytics / Map Overview / Countries/Territories 2009.

1 comment:

Leroy said...

11/27/09 Looks like yesterday came in with 25% less visitors. AWSTATS reports 6,686 visits with 11,162 page views.

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