Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blogger has some new features

Blogger is finally coming out with some new settings, and it's about time.
I've been on Blogger for about 5 years now and it seems that Google never adds any thing new, at least until this year. It does add new templates from time to time, but I've never been interested in changing. Now at the beginning of the year Google allowed Amazon to display ads on Blogger, so that's different.

Now Google has added Stats, so you can tell who visits the blog or what page the visitor views. Up until now I had used the stats from the ads that I run to tell how often that the blog was being visited. I also used Google Analytics to see who then visited and what page they came from. They're both round-about ways to tell how the blog is doing, but I never got around to adding a free counter to the blogger template.

Blogger only just started counting pages last month, so I only have one month of data. The page with the most visits was written in 2008, followed by one from 2010, 2006, and 2005.

I just tried to up-load an image and I see they changed that function too. Instead of 'up-load a file' I get add from Blogger, Picasa, or from an html address ~ so I'm lost and will not be adding a picture from the stats counter??

1 comment:

Leroy said...

8/14/10 About last week I started to notice that many of the incoming visitors to the blog were coming from odd locations, so a few days later I checked the sources. I went out to the referring site and looked for a link back to the blog. Not finding a link, I then viewed the source code for the referring page looking for a link back to this blog ~ still not finding one.

So it would seem that many of the incoming visits to the blog were not, or did not seem to be real. I posted out to one of the Google help forums looking for answers, but never got any reply. However as of the last few days those 'odd' incoming visits have stopped, and the visitors have dropped about 60%. So it may well be that those incoming hits were never real, and could just be due to Blogger Stats being new ~ maybe with a few bugs.

But at the same time there could be other reasons that I never found any link back to my site. If the link was coming from a forum or news-group say than many times the link falls off the page as new postings are added. The link was on one particular page, but was pushed to a new page as more people posted or added comments.

If the link was in a 'frame' on a particular embedded page, it's not there when you check back because the frame opens with a default page and not the one that sent the link ~ which is why many people never liked frames. You can't book-mark a page on a frame site because the bookmark would always open the default page and not the individual page you were book marking. I dropped frames from about five years ago; although, I always offered both versions for that very reason.

So at first I was surprised I was getting more hits to this blog than I had realized, now it seems I get less than I figured.....

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