One of the reports that Google Analytics provides is a graphic of a page and the percentage of what link is clicked on. So for people reaching the index page of these are the odds that one of the 8 main links are visited
Part Distrubutors = 1.99%
Components = 12.61%
Equipment = 3.85%
Software = 2.42%
Standards = 8.08%
Buses = 12.06%
Design = 4.90%
Reference = 4.59%
Pushing into the Components page, I find the follow click-thru's;
Semiconductor = 26.34%
Passive = 11.29%
Mechanical = 10.0%
Alphabetic Listing = 4.37%
Pushing into the Semiconductors page [three levels deep], I list the top 5 clicks;
Memory = 7.35%
Specialized IC's = 6.95%
Programmable Logic = 5.92%
Standard Logic = 5.05%
MicroProcessor = 5.04%
FETs [General] = 4.32%
Pushing into the Memory page [four levels deep];
Flash Memory = 8.46% [I just up-dated that page]
Checking my server stats:
Memory = 790 viewed pages for April
Specialized Logic = 153 viewed pages for April
Programmable Logic = 227 viewed pages for April
Standard Logic = 263 viewed pages for April
So the drill down from index to a specific page, does not tell how often a page is visited. I could spend days looking at these reports. This is one example of people finding my index page and clicking the links to get to the page they wanted, one example. I have 1200 pages, or 1200 different ways for a person to navigate the web site. Most visits start at some page other than the index page.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Google Analytics Report
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2:35 AM
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every good
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